Terms of service.
Chall AS
Last updated: January 2024
1. Introduction
Welcome to Chall!
These General Terms of Service (referred to as the “Terms” in this document) represent the terms of an agreement between Chall AS and all users of Chall’s digital platform for digital challenges and competitions (referred to as the “Platform” in this document).
Chall AS is a Norwegian limited liability company with registration number 927 063 352 and registered business address in Norway (referred to as “Chall” in this document).
By signing up for and using the Platform, an agreement with these Terms is entered into between you and Chall. That means that you both grant Chall and its partners certain rights, and you agree to adhere to the obligations implied to you as a user (referred to as “you,” “User,” or “Users” in this document) set out in these Terms and other referenced documents.
By accepting these Terms, you also agree to adhere to Chall’s no-tolerance policy for objectionable content and abusive users. You can find details about what this means in Section 4 of these Terms and in our Community Policy, both of which are included in the agreement between you and Chall.
If you do not accept this, you should not use the Platform.
2. When These Terms Apply
These Terms govern your use of the Platform. The policies and terms referred to in Section 3 below also form part of our contract and, by agreeing to these Terms, you promise to Chall that you will comply with them.
If you represent an organization user, these Terms apply for the organization you represent. However, if the organization is in violation of these Terms or any of the policies referred to in these Terms, and you have been involved with the violation, the violation shall be deemed made by both the organization and you.
3. Additional Terms and Policies
In addition to these Terms, you must comply with other terms and usage policies of the Platform when these are relevant for you. The various terms and policies are relevant in different situations and may not always apply to you. However, when they are relevant, they are considered part of the agreement between you and Chall, and hence you must always make sure to comply with them when relevant.
The other terms and policies that apply for usage of the Platform are:
Privacy Policy: This policy describes how we use your personal information.
Community Policy: This policy includes the rules of engagement and policies for content creation and publishing for all users on the Platform.
Organization Terms: These apply in addition to the Terms for organization users on the Platform.
Music Terms: These terms apply whenever music is added to your content using the features made available through the Platform.
In the event of discrepancies, these Terms shall take precedence over the other documents. The precedence of policies and terms is as follows:
Music Terms
Organization Terms
Privacy Policy
Community Policy
Challenge- and contribution-specific disclaimers
4. Using the Platform
4.1 Access to the Platform
The Platform allows you and others to create, view, interact with, and share online competitions and challenges.
It is important for us that the Platform is a safe place, so people can be who they are and have fun. To achieve this, we use a mix of technology (including through automated means), human moderation, and reports from our users to identify infringements and enforce these Terms and our Community Policy to protect you and all our users.
We don't charge you a fee to use most of the features of the Platform. Instead, some individuals and businesses pay us to use the Platform for advertisements and employee engagements.
Information on how we use data that we collect about you can be found in our Privacy Policy.
4.2 Account Details
To access the Platform, you must create an account with Chall. We may offer different types of accounts.
When you create an account, your account details will sync across the Platform, including across each Chall app. For example, when you create an account via Chall, you will be able to access any other Chall apps available in your country using that account. Your account details, content, Platform settings (including your privacy settings), and any changes you make will also sync across each Chall app.
When you create an account to access and use the Platform, you must provide accurate and up-to-date information about yourself (such as your date of birth). You agree to maintain and promptly update your details if they change.
It is important that you take reasonable steps to keep your account password confidential and that you do not disclose it to any third party. If you know or suspect that any third party knows your password or has accessed your account, please let us know straight away at support@chall.no.
4.3 Minimum Age
You can only use the Platform if you are 13 years of age or older. We monitor for underage use, and we will terminate your account if we reasonably suspect that you are underage or are allowing someone underage to use your account.
4.4 What You Can Do on the Platform
As a user on the Platform, you can:
Create and share challenges and competitions.
Participate in challenges and competitions hosted by yourself or others, and share contributions.
Cheer for participants in challenges and competitions.
Interact with other users.
Use the features made available to you at any given time.
The permission we give to you:
Is limited to what we have said we will allow in these Terms.
Is only for you.
Cannot be given to anyone else by you.
Can be withdrawn for the reasons allowed in these Terms and other referenced documents.
4.5 What You Can’t Do on the Platform
You cannot create, post, share, link to, or otherwise interact with content in breach of these Terms, including, without limitation, with respect to our Community Policy.
You must not use the Platform to:
Do anything illegal (this includes posting or distributing illegal content).
Do anything that violates applicable anti-money laundering, counter-terrorist financing, export controls, and economic sanctions laws or regulations applicable in both your country and Norway.
Engage with minors in an exploitative or inappropriate way.
Undermine the Platform’s operations or security.
Engage in inauthentic commercial behaviors (such as operating spam or impersonation accounts) or by any other means further detailed in our Community Policy.
Submit reports, notices, or complaints which are manifestly unfounded.
Extract any data or content from the Platform using any automated system or software not provided or approved by Chall.
You must also not post or otherwise distribute any content on the Platform which:
Infringes anyone else’s rights (such as intellectual property, privacy, and/or personality rights).
Encourages or provides instructions for criminal offense, dangerous activities, self-harm, or harmful misinformation.
Contains threats, intimidation, harassment, hate speech, or explicit content.
Promotes violence or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, caste, sexual orientation, gender, serious disease, disability, immigration status, or age.
You can report suspected illegal content or content that otherwise breaches these Terms or our Community Policy through the reporting functionalities provided on the Platform or to support@chall.no.
4.6 Music
You may add music to your content through the features provided by the Platform. If you add music in any other way, you bear full responsibility for ensuring you have the necessary rights to publish the music.
5. Your Content
5.1 Your Own Content
We don’t own your content. If you are the owner of the intellectual property rights in the content that you make available on the Platform, then nothing in these Terms changes that.
5.2 Content Owned by Others
If you do not own the content that you make available on the Platform, you are responsible for ensuring you have the necessary permits and approvals from the owners of the content to make it available on the Platform. If you share something you found on the Platform, we have already obtained the necessary approvals for you, just as you do for others by adhering to these Terms.
If we are notified that you breach someone else’s intellectual property rights by posting content on the Platform, we may remove both the content and your user profile in accordance with the Community Policy.
5.3 Our Rights to Your Content
It is important that you understand what happens to the content that you create, post, or share on the Platform:
You are responsible for the content you make available on the Platform and should have all rights needed to create, post, or share content on the Platform.
When you create, post, or share content via one Chall app, that content may automatically be posted and shared across other Chall apps. For example, when you post a video on Chall on iOS, that video will also be posted and available on Chall on Android.
We review content proactively and reactively using a combination of technology and human moderators. If you have questions about the specific means we use for this purpose, please reach out at support@chall.no.
We may remove or restrict access to any content, including yours, if we reasonably believe it is in breach of these Terms (including any referenced terms or policies) or causes harm to us, our users, or other third parties. The Community Policy sets out how content might be removed or restricted on the Platform.
If we remove or restrict access to your content, we will notify you without undue delay and state the reasons for our decision unless we are legally prevented from doing so.
If you think we have made a mistake in removing or restricting access to your content, you can appeal by reaching out to support@chall.no.
5.4 Chall’s License to Your Content
To make the content you publish on the Platform available to others, we need certain rights from you (called a license). These licenses are as follows:
By creating, posting, or otherwise making content available on the Platform, you grant to Chall a:
Non-exclusive (you can license your content to others).
Royalty-free (we don’t pay you for this license).
Transferable (we can give the rights you give us to someone else).
Sub-licensable (we can license your content to others, e.g., to service providers or trusted third parties).
Worldwide (the license applies anywhere in the world) license to use your content, including to reproduce (copy), adapt, create derivative works, perform, and communicate your content to the public, for the purposes of operating, developing, and providing the Platform.
5.5 Other Users’ License to Your Content
You also grant to each user of the Platform a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to access and use your content, including to reproduce (copy, share, or download), adapt, create derivative works, perform, and communicate that content to the public using the Platform’s features and functions for entertainment purposes, subject to your Platform settings.
5.6 Hosts’ License to Your Contributions
When participating in a challenge or competition, you grant to the host of that challenge a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to access and use the content you make available as a contribution or participation in that challenge. This license includes the right to reproduce (copy, share, or download), adapt, create derivative works, perform, and communicate that content to the public for any purpose, including for commercial purposes, always in compliance with these Terms and the Community Policy.
5.7 Termination of License to Your Content
Your licenses to Chall and to users end when you close your account or when you or we remove your content from the Platform in accordance with these Terms. However, due to the nature of the Platform and our legal obligations, the license granted will continue after you have removed your content (or terminated your account) to the extent that:
You have allowed other users of the Platform to use or reuse your content (e.g., by making a contribution to a challenge or competition hosted by someone else, or by enabling download or share functionalities).
We are obliged to store or process your content for legal reasons.
5.8 Other Use of Your Data
Chall may use your content to train algorithms and software for recognizing patterns in text, images, videos, and content in other forms.
5.9 Ideas and Feedback
If you choose to submit comments, ideas, or feedback to us, you agree that we are free to use them for operating, developing, improving, and providing the Platform without compensation to you.
6. What We Promise to You
We promise to provide the Platform on an “as is” basis to you, using reasonable skill and care and acting with professional diligence for as long as we choose to offer the Platform. We will take reasonable steps to maintain a safe and secure environment for our users. However, we do not promise to offer the Platform indefinitely or in its current form for any particular period.
Since most content on the Platform is user-generated, Chall does not promise that any content found on the Platform:
Is accurate, complete, or up-to-date.
Does not infringe third-party rights.
Is legal.
Will not offend you.
The Platform may contain links to third-party websites, advertisements, services, offers, or other events or activities not provided, owned, or controlled by Chall. We do not endorse these third-party offerings, and you use them at your own risk.
7. Hosting Your Own Challenges and Competitions
7.1 Your Responsibility
As a host of a challenge or competition, you are solely responsible for its management, including disqualifying participants, announcing winners, providing prizes, and defining rules and settings. You must comply with the Community Policy.
When hosting a challenge, you indemnify and hold Chall harmless from all claims related to the challenge, such as damages from failing to deliver prizes to winners or selecting winners in a way that violates fair business practices.
7.2 Chall Disclaimer
When hosting, you must select a set of disclaimers/terms that apply to your challenge. You may use the standard disclaimer provided by Chall, which helps reduce risk. However, it is your responsibility to read and understand any obligations imposed by this disclaimer.
Chall does not provide legal, tax, or business advice and will not assume liability for issues arising from using the standard disclaimer. If you choose a different disclaimer or no disclaimer, Chall remains free from responsibility for any participant claims against the challenge.
8. Participating in Challenges and Competitions
8.1 Use at Your Own Risk
The Platform is meant for inclusive, fun, active participation. However, some challenges may be unsafe without the right skills and experience. Carefully consider whether to participate in any challenge or competition, as you do so at your own risk. Neither Chall nor the host of the challenge will be liable for any damage caused by your participation.
8.2 Hosts’ Responsibility
Most challenges and competitions are created by other users, for which Chall assumes no responsibility. If a host fails to treat you fairly, or does not fulfill their promises (e.g., providing prizes), this is solely the host’s responsibility.
Hosts must always adhere to the Community Policy. If you believe a host is in breach, please report it to us. While we may impose consequences, whether or not we do is entirely up to Chall.
8.3 Use of Contribution Content
If you participate in a challenge, the host may use your content for any purpose without limitation or compensation to you. By participating, you accept this potential use.
8.4 The Host’s Access to Your Personal Information
When participating, the host may access your contact details (e.g., email) to communicate with you regarding the challenge, such as if you win a prize or are disqualified. The host may only use your contact details for purposes related to the specific challenge.
9. Limitation of Liability
If you are entitled to damages or other compensation from Chall, Chall shall only be liable for actual, direct financial loss due to gross negligence or intent, and under no circumstances for indirect losses, such as operating losses, loss of profit, or goodwill.
Chall’s total liability for financial loss shall not exceed EUR 1,000. No Chall employee, consultant, director, officer, or other individual working for Chall shall be held liable for damages or financial loss in relation to your use of the Platform.
10. Intellectual Property Rights to the Platform
Chall retains all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in all parts of the Platform, including updates and developments, even if you have been actively involved in their development.
Chall’s retention of intellectual property rights includes all material, such as:
Documents, process descriptions, design descriptions, drawings, figures, solution descriptions, concrete solutions, images, sound recordings, film recordings, data files, computer programs, software code, and other copyrighted or otherwise intellectual property-protected material.
Ideas, concepts, models, and similar elements included in the Platform.
By using the Platform, you agree not to reverse-engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to reproduce any part of the Platform or any specific features.
Chall shall not acquire rights to your trademark or other intellectual property specific to you.
11. Suspending or Ending Our Relationship
11.1 Your Rights
You may end your relationship with Chall at any time by closing your account and stopping your use of the Platform. This can be done from your user profile.
When you close your account within one Chall app, you will lose access to your content and account across all other Chall services connected to that account.
Some of your content may still be available on the Platform after you delete your account in accordance with these Terms and linked policies and terms.
11.2 Chall’s Rights
In the event of any suspected breach of these Terms or our Community Policy, we may investigate. During this time, we may take down some or all of your content or suspend your access to certain Platform features, depending on the severity of the suspected breach.
We may temporarily suspend or permanently terminate your account, or impose limits on or restrict your access to features of the Platform if:
We reasonably and objectively determine that you are in material or repeated breach of these Terms or our Community Policy.
We reasonably believe that you are about to seriously breach these Terms or our Community Policy.
We are legally required to do so.
It is reasonably required to address a serious technical or security issue.
We keep a record of your account’s violations. Repeated or severe violations may result in a permanent ban. The decision to remove your profile and content is solely at Chall’s discretion, acting in good faith.
If your account has been terminated for breaches and you open another account, we are entitled to suspend or terminate any such accounts.
We will notify you in advance to allow time for you to download your data unless we believe that continued access will cause damage to us, our users, or other third parties, or if legally prevented from doing so.
If you believe your account was mistakenly suspended or terminated, you may appeal by emailing support@chall.no.
For clarity, if we suspend or terminate your account, or you delete it, you will lose access to all Chall apps.
11.3 Illegal Actions
If Chall becomes aware of your use of the Platform for illegal activities, Chall may report this to local authorities for investigation. Chall has the right, and often will, cooperate with local law enforcement if we reasonably believe that your posted content shows illegal activities or that you are involved in illegal activities on the Platform. This cooperation may include sharing your content and personal details.
12. Changes to These Terms or the Platform
We may make changes to these Terms or the Platform periodically, with consideration for your reasonable interests.
We will give reasonable advance notice of significant changes that impact you, along with the date they come into effect. Changes will only apply to our relationship going forward.
For urgent changes related to security, safety, legal, or regulatory requirements, we may not be able to provide advance notice, but we will inform you as soon as possible.
If you do not agree with changes to the Terms or Platform, you should stop using the Platform.
13. Resolving Disputes
These Terms are governed by the laws of Norway.
If a dispute arises, we will first try to resolve it amicably.
If we cannot reach a resolution, disputes shall be handled by the Oslo District Court in Norway.
14. Other
Assignment: These Terms, along with any rights and permissions granted, may not be transferred or assigned by you, but may be assigned by Chall without restriction. If assigned by Chall, this will not affect your rights as a consumer, and you always have the right to terminate this contract and stop using the Platform at any time.
Account Name Reclaiming: We may reclaim your account name and make it available to other users if you have not logged in for 6 months or if we reasonably believe your account name violates our Terms and/or Community Policy (e.g., due to a trademark violation).
Enforcement: Even if we or you delay in enforcing a provision of these Terms, either party can still enforce it later. If we or you do not immediately insist on actions required under these Terms or delay taking steps against a breach, it does not mean these actions are waived. The terms remain enforceable at a later date.